
About Nortech Chemical Corp.

Nortech Chemical Corporation has the ability to custom blend any water-based biodegradable chemical. Nortech Chemical Corp. offers solutions for Flexographic Printing Applications, Corrugated Box Industries, Aerospace, Manufacturing, Food Processing Industries and more.

Thomas Shook

thomas shookThomas Shook is the owner of Nortech Chemical Corp and has been in the chemical industry since 1997, and is based out of Crystal Lake, Illinois.

Tom earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University, and his Masters degree in Business Administration from Northern Illinois University.

Connect with Thomas Shook on LinkedIn.

Nortech Values


Nortech believes in the highest level of integrity in all facets of life. We believe in: Family, Hard Work, and a Lifetime Resolve and Commitment to our customers.


Nortech’s custom blended water based cleaners are patented; and as effective as solvents while remaining Environmentally Sound.

Savings and Value:

We have demonstrated a proven savings to our customers for over 15 years. Nortech achieved this with a long term holistic approach that focuses on problem solving to not only save our customers money while providing the highest quality custom blended products needed for our customers needs. We don’t look for a “me too” approach. To best serve your company, we actively problem solve and seek to find value and savings in your industry. Additionally, we seek to lower your companies reliance on precious natural resources like water, cut down on labor and cleaning intensity.